Are you considering a trip to Colombia but worried because you don’t have a traveling companion? Fear no more! Here, in our mini guide, we offer six tips for beginners embarking on their first solo travel adventure.

Know your strengths
Foto: Procolombia

Traveling alone is an unforgettable experience and the best way to live it to the full is to overcome your fear and focus on your strengths. Are you sociable? The people of Colombia are famous for greeting every visitor with a smile. Engage everyone you meet in conversation. You’ll hear their stories and receive their recommendations for visiting little-known places you might have missed.

Reconnect with your inner self

Traveling solo is the best way to get to know yourself better and discover skills you never knew you had. It will also give you the chance to explore the joy and beauty of Colombia at your own pace. Fancy spending a few extra days in a city? No problem. Traveling alone means you can take it slow and plan your itinerary to your liking.

Don’t forget to take amazing travel photos

Don’t forget to take amazing travel photos
Foto: Procolombia

Your trip is a unique opportunity for impressive photography and Colombia’s stunning landscapes, from pristine beaches to bustling city streets to the mighty Amazon rainforest, make for a once-in-a-lifetime photo shoot. Immortalize your time in Colombia. The memories will stay with you forever and your photographs are a record of every place you visit. Check out our tips for Colombia’s most Instagrammable destinations.

Meet like-minded souls

Colombia has accommodation for every style and taste. The best option for adventurers who choose to solo travel Colombia is to stay in a hostel. There you will meet like-minded souls and make friendships for life. You might even find your next traveling companion!

Travel overland

Travel overland
Foto: Procolombia

You’re your own boss. Take advantage and discover Colombia’s culture and natural wealth from a different angle. Nothing beats traveling overland. Not only will you discover places you would have missed if you’d traveled by air, you’ll experience the country’s diverse climates and eco-systems up close.

Work as you go

Plenty of hostels and lodging houses offer their guests the chance to work temporarily on site, whether as a bartender or chef, or an English teacher or yogi. Taking advantage of this opportunity means travelers can save on accommodation costs and travel with a little more tranquility.

Take our advice and solo travel Colombia. Not only will you make new friends, explore fantastic places and be amazed by what the country has to offer, you’ll experience everything from a unique and independent perspective. Travel Colombia alone and you’ll soon discover why it’s unforgettable.

Discover the best places in Colombia for solo travel.

Related: you can go camping on various destinations in Colombia.


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