The idea of “service from the owner” takes on a new meaning for travelers who experience one of Colombia's tourist inns. Large hotel chains do not compare to the warm, spontaneous, and genuine care that guests receive from the families or couples who run these lodgings.

There is nothing better than lodging in the most beautiful locations in Colombia, far from city life. Here, travelers have the chance to experience the warmth of the local people, learn about their customs and sample recipes that have been perfected from generation to generation.

These are the places where travelers trade in five-star comfort for a life experience. In contrast to luxury, these homey environments provide guests the opportunity to see different regions, people and customs first-hand. The rich natural, cultural, culinary, and human dimensions make for an adventure to delight the senses.

These authentic lodges awaken the senses of travelers who travel through Colombia. Those who choose them will surely be amazed by the sea of seven colors in the San Andrés archipelago, will lose themselves in the imperceptibility between sea and salt desert in La Guajira, will be reborn through the mysticism of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and will be moved by the natural splendor of Chocó's paradise.

Lodgings in the colorful and legendary archipelago of San Andrés

Both Colombian citizens and foreigners alike are amazed by the wide variety of experiences awaiting them in the crystal-clear waters and pure white sands of the San Andres island, Providencia and Santa Catalina archipelago. Here, travelers can experience the unique atmosphere of local inns that open their doors to tourists on these islands, where the natural rhythm of the sea blends into the scenery.

Experiencing the islands through one of these lodgings means integrating into a unique cultural fusion of multi-color island architecture, authentic dishes and an imaginative oral tradition that evokes the days of pirates and buried treasures. This breathtaking destination is authentically Colombian, and will always be open to travelers seeking a first-hand encounter with the natural wonders of this Caribbean paradise.

An illuminating experience in the salt desert of La Guajira

Cabo de la Vela

Cabo de la Vela
Photo by: Tanenhaus

To travel for the first time to La Guajira, a land on the shores of the Caribbean marked by the ancient wisdom of the Wayúu Indians and salt, sand and water, is to completely remove oneself from city comforts. First-time travelers to this land begin the cultural learning process through experiencing the customs and beliefs of its people.

Staying at one of the mud and cactus inns located on Cabo de la Vela is a one-of-a-kind experience. Guests sleep in hammocks that are hand-woven by indigenous people, and are lulled to sleep by the only audible sound, the gentle melody of waves rolling into the salty desert in this outermost region of Colombia.

The mystic peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Sierra Nevada de Santa
Photo by: McKay Savage

In the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, travelers can experience the rich cultural tradition that the descendants of the Tayrona civilization preserve to this day, as well as see first-hand a sacred place that is as powerful as the highest coastal mountain range in the world. To hike up to the Lost City along ancient stone trails built by an indigenous culture means experiencing the natural forest, snow, crystalline waters and mystical wisdom that is channeled to those who endeavor to embark on this journey to self-discovery.

Staying in one of the inns that dot these mountains transports travelers to a sacred world in which the ancient customs of their inhabitants reinvigorates the spirit. The area's natural surroundings merge with its mystical past to create an environment that is conducive to respecting nature and reflecting on the material vices of the modern life.

The splendor of Chocó, a land forgotten by time


Photo by:  Luis Alejandro Bernal Romero

Travelers to the Department of Chocó, located in the mountainous Baudó region, have the opportunity to walk on virgin beaches that have been lost for centuries in the primeval wilderness. Within this wilderness lie some incredible inns. To preserve the serenity of this mysterious land, only natives and settlers know how to get to some of these. Staying at one of the prime locations in the municipalities of Nuquí and Bahía Solano is another excellent option. Here, the unity of sunlight, ocean, and jungle is a true sensory experience for guests.

The emotional wellbeing of the avid adventurists who stay at one of these locations is enhanced by the warmth and liveliness of the hosts. Only this little place that time has forgotten, with its primeval flora and fauna, can arouse the senses in such a way. To top off the experience, visitors have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of humpback whales. To travel to Chocó and discover its people is to evoke our most primitive wisdom and experience the most natural form of life on earth.

Amazonas: a paradise for ecotourists

The Colombian Amazon

The Colombian Amazon
Photo by: Aliman5040

The Colombian Amazon jungle is a multi-cultural, jungle-clad land that provides the most extreme tourists the opportunity to satisfy their thirst for adventure in one of the most exotic and visually impacting locations in the world. From pink dolphin sightings to face-to-face encounters with mythical characters who have built their homes and their lives in the jungle, the Amazon is an experience that is ripe in contrasts.

The inns in this mystical region, the world's most biodiverse location, open their doors to tourists who want to live amongst wild animals, natives, and ancient trees that tower like protectors of the jungle, a life-giving force for humanity. Experiencing this natural wonder, a source of so much life, is enough to inspire adventurists to keep traveling in Colombia. It may even be enough to make them never want to leave.

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