The Challenges of an Interdisciplinary Approach
The conferences of the global Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network -TEPHINET-, aim to provide participants with the most up-to-date public health information in plenary sessions and pre-conference workshops. The 10th Regional Scientific Conference of the Americas offers participants the opportunity to expand their knowledge and exchange experiences on various topics focused on field epidemiology. Attendees can listen to proposals from international scientists, learn about projects and work calls from different world entities.
This important occasion offers the possibility of participating actively in a fieldwork, where they can learn about the process of providing health services, monitoring and execution of activities in the local context with specific topics, such as: port health analysis, units of mortality, emergency operations center in public health, application of the Public Health Surveillance System —Sivigila—, at the mandatory notification of events of interest to the health of the community; among others.
In Hilton Cartagena Hotel, Colombia