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Showing 31 - 40 of 153
… The only colonial church that exists in Medellin is Veracruz Church, built in 1682. … 4 … The only colonial church that exists in Medellin is Veracruz Church, built in 1682. …
… Carmen de Viboral, 56 kilometres southeast of Medellin, where famous ceramic dinnerware is … Carmen de Viboral, 56 kilometres southeast of Medellin, where famous ceramic dinnerware is …
… can be seen at the Museum of Mineralogy, in Medellin. There are collections classified … can be seen at the Museum of Mineralogy, in Medellin. There are collections classified …
… Angel Builes Ethnographic Museum opened in Medellin on September 29, 1972 and has since … Angel Builes Ethnographic Museum opened in Medellin on September 29, 1972 and has since …
… Some of his famous murals can also be seen in Medellin in places like the School of Mines in … Some of his famous murals can also be seen in Medellin in places like the School of Mines in …
… Agregar a Favoritos In the Santa Fe Zoo in Medellin visitors can see 922 animals of 238 … de Favorito 4 … In the Santa Fe Zoo in Medellin visitors can see 922 animals of 238 …
Eastern Colombian Andes
… Arvi Park in the village of Santa Elena from Medellin by Metro Cable. There is an … Arvi Park in the village of Santa Elena from Medellin by Metro Cable. There is an …
… A Republican-style mansion in the centre of Medellin Little Theatre hosts an exhibition … … A Republican-style mansion in the centre of Medellin Little Theatre hosts an exhibition …