Lovers’ bridges are found in many parts of the world: Güell Park in Barcelona, Canal du Vasse in France, Dnieper River in Kiev, and River Seine in Paris (Pont Marie), among them. And there is also a Lovers’ Bridge in the Colombian Caribbean.

The Lovers’ Bridge that joins the islands of Providencia and Santa Catalina, is unique not only for its incredible coloring. This picturesque floating bridge helps the 200 inhabitants of the island of Santa Catalina to cross the sea to get to the city center, the school, and the hospital. Prior to its construction, the people had to cross the 110-meter channel in dugout canoes.

Lovers’ Bridge between Providencia and Santa Catalina

Lovers’ Bridge between Providencia
and Santa Catalina
Photo by: RubioBuitrago

The artificial canal that separates Providencia from Santa Catalina was dug out by pirates in the 17th century for defending the islands from invaders. Pirates Henry Morgan and Louis Aury built forts on Santa Catalina and placed canons that remain there to this day. Any intruders who approached the islands were attacked with these canons.

Supported by fixed and floating rafts, Lovers’ Bridge is located on this artificial canal. At its center, a tunnel of sorts allows the passage of small boats. Small wooden benches decorated with figures of crabs and lanterns that are lit in the evening run along the entire length of the bridge.

However, not only lovers cross the bridge on the Colombian Caribbean. Many people have other reasons for crossing over, the following among them:

True to its name, Lovers’ Bridge is an unrepeatable place for lovers and solitary dreamers.

The beach:

small and very romantic, for just a few people, and hidden about 500 meters along the shore from the bridge, behind a hill with a figure of the Virgin Mary at the top.

Delicious seafood:

like fresh lobster, recently taken out of the sea, good coconut bread, and several equally exquisite traditional sweets.

Island architecture:

Afro-Caribbean houses and their singular, picturesque architecture.

From Lovers’ Bridge, the landscape on both islands is placid and comforting: the sea of seven colors that ranges from a light green to a dark blue, the extensive coral reef, seagulls, and the colorful boats of fishermen on the horizon.