Have you ever wondered what it feels like to stand in front of one of the most astonishing geographical features in the world? Come and discover it at the Chicamocha Canyon, a unique place that will captivate you from the first moment thanks to its 2,000 meters of depth, making it the second largest canyon on the planet.

Just an hour away from the city of Bucaramanga, in the department of Santander, lies this canyon, which was one of the preselected locations in the campaign that, in 2009, sought to choose the seven new natural wonders of the world.

This tourist destination is one of the most attractive in the country and is home to the Chicamocha National Park, a setting where you can connect with nature and enjoy a wide variety of sports and cultural activities.

For example, if you're an adrenaline junkie, in the heart of this majestic canyon you can paraglide at over a thousand meters high. Flying over the place, you will witness not only the immensity of the Chicamocha Canyon, but also the unparalleled beauty of the Santander landscapes and its great mountains.

In this adventure, you will soar above the canyon, the Mesa de los Santos, and the municipalities of Cepitá, Aratoca, and Jordán.

But if you want to go further, the perfect option is one of the main attractions of the park, the Cable Flight, in which you can descend by pulleys at a speed of approximately 50 kilometers per hour to admire from the heights the depth and beauty of the Chicamocha Canyon.

Another must-have experience is reaching the top of the park, where you will have a complete 360-degree panoramic view. A particular detail is that you can reach this place by chiva, a bus that is a symbol of Colombian culture and is still used in rural areas of the country. This curious vehicle is characterized by its picturesque colors and designs that reflect the joy of Colombians.

The park also offers fun activities for the little ones in places like Paco's Farm or the Children's Park, where boys and girls will live unforgettable moments surrounded by animals and games that will allow them to enjoy all the adventure that is found in the Chicamocha Canyon, a place of unique experiences that you cannot miss during your trip to Colombia. We're waiting for you!

Photographs of our visitors




