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Western Colombian Andes
Eastern Colombian Andes
Eastern Colombian Andes
Eastern Colombian Andes
… Expoartesano Medellin Submitted by BRodriguez on Fri, … of the country. … 74 … 20 … Expoartesano Medellin
Medellin River Christmas Lights Submitted by … high.   Enjoy this experience at Christmas in Medellin. Imagen Tipos de turismo Culture Main … high.   Enjoy this experience at Christmas in Medellin. … 4468 … Medellin River Christmas …
… coffee district, a giant festival is held in Medellin to celebrate Colombian flowers and … are flooded with flowers, the much-celebrated Medellin Flower Festival begins. This feast of … Fair Photo by:  Galo Naranjo What to do at Medellin’s Flower Fair The Feria de las Flores …
Colombian Pacific
… to have at hand and share with your clients. Medellin is Colombia’s second-largest city and … will find many friendly faces. People from Medellin are also very proud of their city, … will find a rice-and-bean combination, but Medellin gastronomy has more to offer.  …
… communes, the center and the exclusive south, Medellin is the sum of voices that narrate the … of urban space.   “ Urban ”, the surname that Medellin has adopted not only responds to the … the history of the different versions of Medellin that have inhabited, walls that …