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Community-based ecotourism in the Alto Río Fonce in 3 Andean ecosystems to recognize a great biodiversity of orchids, frailejones, black oak, white and red water and the peasant culture.

The Oak Route - Community-Based Ecotourism on the Alto Río Fonce

The Oak Route is the response of the communities of the Alto Río Fonce between Charalá, Gámbita, Coromoro, Encino (Santander) to Duitama (Boyacá) in which they add their knowledge management for the conservation of black (Trigonobalanus excelsa) and white (Quercus humboldtii) oak forests through participatory science, the management of community orchid gardens with more than 120 species and the articulation with their activities of production of coffee, cheese, handicrafts and livestock with silvopastoral models to contribute to the restoration of ecosystems, all around the buffer area of the Fauna and Flora Sanctuary of Guanentá Alto Río Fonce where the emblematic Andean bear transits and around 255 species of birds, 83 of mammals and 31 of amphibians, that join red water rivers and waterfalls oand the paramo with a large diversity of frailejones.

It generates empowerment for around 60 families associated with Agrosolidaria Seccional Charalá, offering opportunities mainly to rural women and youth, articulating the productive activities of agriculture with tourism around the study and community conservation of flora and fauna.

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Zaia Travel

Zaia Travel

Travel agency, local tour operator and destination management company based in Colombia. We offer DMC services.

We specialise in experiences that bring people closer to Colombian nature, history, and culture while considering our social and environmental impact. That is the reason why we support the development of community-based organisations and projects and contribute 1% of our yearly net profit to reforestation projects in Colombia.